Fotografijos šventės metu pritatoma Ukrainos menininkės AntiGonna kūrybos paroda „Velniai“. Subversyvūs menininkės AntiGonna kūriniai meta iššūkį įvairaus lygio patriarchaliniam smurtui ir yra bene drąsiausias meninis eksperimentas šiuolaikinio Ukrainos meno lauke. AntiGonna meninė praktika yra toksiška socialinių opų mizanscena, atsirandanti dėl latentinių traumų ir neišsipildžiusių troškimų, su viešajame lauke viešpataujančiomis baimėmis ir iškrypimais, tabu ir draudimais. Jos menas įgauna įvairias formas: ji atlieka savitus performansus ir režisuoja videokūrinius, dirba kaip trash modelis kitų autorių darbuose, savo kūryboje jungia fotografijos, tapybos ir instaliacijos medijas. Savo kūryboje autorė demonstruoja transgresyvias seksualines strategijas, naudodama ir perinterpretuodama asmeninę traumuotą patirtį, stigmatizuodama socialines ydas ir neteisybę kito – silpno, nuolankaus, išsigimusio, pažeminto – atžvilgiu. Per radikalų skausmo ir ekstazės vaizdavimą AntiGonna tarytum išlaisvina nutylimas temas ir kviečia nuoširdžiai diskutuoti apie jas.
Dalis parodoje pristatomų kūrinių sukurti Klaipėdoje fotografijos rezidencijos metu. Parodoje nerekomenduojama lankytis vaikams ar nepilnamečiams.
Parodas iš dalies finansuoja Lietuvos kultūros taryba, Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybės administracija, Ukrainos kultūros fondas.
Parodos kuratoriai: Darius Vaičekauskas ir Aleksandra Tryanova.
Paroda veiks iki 2021 m. gruodžio 12 d.
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AntiGonna exhibition “Velniai”
AntiGonna’s artistic practice is a toxic mise-en-scène that reflects the consequences of repressive upbringing and sexual abuse. In her art, AntiGonna speaks frankly about her personal traumatic experiences and opposes the concealment of emotional trauma supported by the dominant moral order. AntiGonna refers to a vocabulary of such exploitative applied genres as pornography and horror in her speech about violence. They are a vivid example of the use of bodies, transforming desire and affect into a commodity, and thus transferring the logic of repressive power relations into the intimate sphere. Manifesting such toxic mechanisms of power, the artist creates a profoundly personal and, at the same time, socially critical art. As an antidote to ethical poisoning, she offers radical frankness, where alternative sexual practices provide a liberating impetus in the fight against fears and mental blocks. The central theme of the AntiGonna’s solo exhibition Velniai is dealing with the consequences of psychological violence in her family. The fears and manias that haunted the artist since childhood resulted from the aggressive competition of family members for power over the child. Using symbols of fanaticism and spiritual practices, Antigone unfolds a dreadful theatrical tale of how her relationship with her grandmother shaped her
attitude to her body, sexuality, and death. The older woman’s obsession with death, her frightening
comparisons of children with worms traumatized the child’s imagination, which subsequently led to phobias and the practice of self-harm. By transforming such complex experiences with art, AntiGonna discusses the most intimate suffering into the public arena and breaks the vicious circle of stigmatizing the victim of violence.
Alexandra Tryanova, co-curator of the exhibition
Some of the works presented in the exhibition were created during the photography residency in Klaipėda. Visiting the exhibition is not recommended for children or minors.
The exhibitions are partly funded by the Lithuanian Culture Council, Klaipeda City Municipality Administration, and the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.
Curators of the exhibition: Darius Vaičekauskas and Alexandra Tryanova.
The exhibition will run until December 12, 2021.